Friday, June 4, 2010

The beginning

Cross your fingers that I can actually stick to keeping a blog, I really hope that I can.

My name is Kate and I am 19 years old, next month I will be turning 20. I'm going into my junior year of college to go into ministry. I'm hoping to be able to vent my thoughts and feelings through this. This will be about my opinions and about my day.

Things about me
-School: Concordia University Chicago
-Major: Director of Christian Education
~Specialization in Youth Ministry

-Photography, I really enjoy taking pictures of objects and nature. It's got to be the funnest part to take out my camera and just start shooting pictures. Currently my photos can be viewed on my Flickr account. Enjoy looking at them and feel free to comment on them. If you have good websites with tutorials that would be helpful also.

-Writing, I just love writing stories it's my way of getting away from things that are bothering and frustrating me. I hope to have a link to stories that I write, and to the poems and maybe even post them here.

-School Year, I work at an early childhood center. I just love working with the babies, and with the teachers. The kids are so much fun to work with. I love just holding them in my arms and playing with them. It's such a joy. I hope to continue this job throughout college.

-Summer Job, I work at a camp, I get to play with kids and to be apart witnessing and sharing Christ with the kids. I am currently in staff training to have this job once again this summer. I am stocked, this will be my second summer here. My camp name is Sunshine!

His name is Robert, and he is also known as Flash (Camp name). He worked at the same camp as I did but he choose to let me have a chance to work here, since there is a no dating rule.